Pharma companies need to limit the presence of nitrosamines in human medicines: EMA EH News Bureau Jul 10, 2020 Patients should generally not be exposed to a lifetime risk of cancer exceeding 1 in 100,000 from nitrosamines in their medicines
Global regulators agree to three priority areas for cooperation on observational research during… EH News Bureau May 21, 2020 High-quality observational research is an important complement to evidence on safety, effectiveness of vaccines, treatments for…
First non-injectable treatment for severe low blood sugar levels EH News Bureau Oct 18, 2019 The medicine Baqsimi comes in a single-use dispenser which is ready to use and can be administered through the nose by caregivers
‘We are the first company in the world to get a patent for pooled stem cell technology’ EH News Bureau May 4, 2015 Recently, Stempeutics observed the First Stem Cell Awareness Day in India with a public event to explain stem cell therapy options…