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@WHO answers common questions related to COVID-19 on Twitter

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The service has open lines of communication with WHO, other relevant authorities, to ensure access to credible information is available to public-at-large

As the global community combats the COVID-19 pandemic together, Twitter is helping people find reliable information, connect, and follow what’s happening in real-time. The service has open lines of communication with the World Health Organisation (@WHO), and other relevant authorities, to ensure access to credible information is available to the public-at-large.

In fact over the past few weeks, more than six million questions were tweeted about Coronavirus / COVID-19. To ensure the public has access to credible information, Twitter recently collaborated with the World Health Organisation (@WHO) for a Q&A covering the most commonly asked questions about this global health emergency.

@WHO answered questions that have bothered Indians about COVID-19 since its emergence in India. Not only were questions answered but also myths busted related to COVID-19. Information and guidelines were provided about essential commodities, mental health, laundry, COVID-19 vaccine, usage of face masks, hand hygiene etc.

@WHO provided details on the symptoms of COVID-19 and the precautionary measures that Indians need to take to tackle the pandemic, stay safe and prevent the virus from spreading.

In India, Twitter is working with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (@MoHFW_INDIA), various State Governments to upskill various departments on COVID response management. The service has also supported and enabled the government of Karnataka, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh to set-up dedicated COVID-Response accounts.

Follow them here: DIPR KarnatakaMaharashtra  Control roomJharkhand COVID Helpline,  UP Covid helpline.

For the latest information, follow @WHO on Twitter.

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