Doctors Narayana Nethralaya discuss relevance of genetics in clinical practice of ophthalmology

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Opines that certain ocular conditions like retinal dystrophies or ocular cancers like retinoblastoma can be screened for by genetic testing to help manage the condition

A discussion on the relevance of genetics in the clinical practice of ophthalmology was recently held at Narayana Nethralaya, Narayana Health City, Bangalore. Dr Arkasubhra Ghosh, Head of Department, Grow Research Laboratory, Narayana Nethralaya, Dr Anuprita Ghosh, Scientist and Genetic Counselor, Grow Research Laboratory, Narayana Nethralaya, Dr Himika G, and Dr Fairooz Manjandavida ophthalmologists at Narayana Nethralaya participated in the discussion.

The doctors opined that certain ocular conditions like retinal dystrophies or ocular cancers like retinoblastoma can be screened for by genetic testing to help manage the condition, and the advances in genetics will hopefully provide us a cure for these conditions in the future. Discussions were held on genetic testing which can act as an effective tool for familial screening in both the above conditions, to identify proactively the other family members who might be afflicted with the disease, and act as a guide for further family planning measures.

The discussions also revolved around the future of gene therapy for ocular disease treatments. The clinicians were in agreement that the future of ophthalmology lies in molecular diagnostics and gene therapy and initiatives to increase the awareness about these advances among the medical community is a need of the hour.

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