Zubair Kazi of KFC fame to invest in new prostate cancer diagnostic device

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Zubair Kazi, an investor renowned for making a fortune in fast foods, is diversifying his portfolio and investing in a medical imaging device developed by Eigen, a California company. Kazi is the sole owner of Eigen, and Founder and Director of the company’s Artemis Project, an imaging platform, ‘fusing’ ultrasound and MRI, that detects prostate tumors, views images in 3D and allows for targeted, rather than conventional “blind” biopsies that take painful, exploratory samples.

The Chair and CEO of Kazi Management, a privately held, US-and Virgin Island-based institutional investor says,“Ways to save lives and help spare people needless pain—that’s what I’m especially looking for now.”

Reportedly, Eigen’s Artemis and ProFuse devices are now in use as diagnostic tools for prostate cancer at more than 20 major research universities, including UCLA, Cornell, Emory, NYU and Stanford. “In particular, a multidisciplinary UCLA team headed by Leonard Marks, with members of the Radiology, Pathology and Biomedical Engineering departments, have been actively involved with the development and improvement of our system,” says Michael Ahmadi, Executive VP, Eigen.“Our company and products are years ahead of the competition, and poised to enter manufacturing and sales partnerships with leading international medical brands,” says Dr Mahtab Damda, Eigen President.“Kazi is changing the standard of care for prostate biopsy through his forward-thinking vision,” Ahmadi says. “Eigen is a 40-year-old cutting-edge tech company, and its future is shaped around his vision,” he adds. Also in Eigen’s pipeline are products adapting its fusion platform to the diagnosis and biopsy of ovarian, pancreatic and liver cancers.

EH News Bureau

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