‘’Women health is also becoming an important concept in the modern world’’

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From time immemorial, women have occupied a special position in Indian scripts.

Women were conservative in the past even in healthcare industry, only the nursing professions had a significant number of women. But in the recent years women are actively participating in all the roles of healthcare like medical specialists, medical administrators, medical support services and also in the finance and business development areas. The medical profession offers variety of opportunity for women. The gender difference is gradually disappearing even in surgical specialities. Their presence in all work areas adds care and compassion. Women need all encouragement to enhance their roles in various capacities particularly in healthcare.

Women health is also becoming an important concept in the modern world. The disease burden affecting the women is increasing, so women welfare and women health has become an important sector in healthcare. In addition to all the possible diseases that can afflict a human being, women are prone to certain specific diseases that can affect them at different ages. Preventive healthcare programme is very much essential to prevent some of these problems if possible, and early detection can certainly alleviate the complications.

They also have additional responsibility of dealing with home and family. These dual or multiple roles can induce stress as their tolerance to stress is generally low. Healthcare being a demanding service, the physical as well as mental fitness for women is essential to do their best. They need to give special attention to their nutrition and fitness. Those in healthcare should follow all the protocols and safe practices to protect themselves from known medical hazards.

Women need to be respected at their work place. It is the responsibility of the management to create a congenial work atmosphere. Women are equally efficient in discharging their responsibilities and are better in some areas compared to men and cannot be replaced by anyone.

Dr NK Venkataramana, Vice-Chairman & Chief Neurosurgeon, BGS Global Hospitals, Bangalore

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