Philips Anatomical Intelligence- turning images into answers

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Anatomical Intelligence applies adaptive system intelligence, and a rich database of 3D models of anatomical structures to a patient’s ultrasound data, with the aim of simplifying investigations and providing more reproducible results. It helps clinicians perform typical and advanced tasks, such as alignment, segmenting, visualising, and quantifying. Today, even with familiarity and practice, these tasks can take significant time during ultrasound exams, as well as during procedures.

In today’s cardiology practice, assessment of LV function is no longer limited to evaluation of ejection fraction. Speckle strain echocardiography is a novel technique for use in imaging myocardial deformation (strain). For cardiologists to incorporate strain results into their clinical decision-making, currently, the most important practical limitations of routine clinical incorporation of strain imaging include its impact on workflow efficiency, observer variability, and inter-vendor inconsistency, driven by the fact that different manufacturers may use different tracking algorithms.

As with many other technologies, automation is the key to achieving workflow efficiency and measurement reproducibility of strain echocardiography in a busy clinical practice. Conventional ways to initiate GLS measurement require manual tracing of the endocardial border or at least manual location of anatomic landmarks such as the mitral annulus and LV apex. This inevitably slows workflow and introduces human error and observer variability, hence limiting practical use of strain imaging. With the aCMQ Anatomical Intelligence tool of Philips EPIQ, GLS can be obtained with ZeroClick technology within a few seconds after acquisition of 2D images from the three routine apical views (4-chamber, 2-chamber, and long-axis).

Automated 2D Quantification A.I. (a2DQA.I.) is an ideal tool for every echo lab. Its ZeroClick technology uses Anatomical Intelligence for rapid access to proven 2D EF and volumes for adult and pediatric patients. Your 2D EF measurements are one click on every patient – no manual tracing. AutoEF is available during the study and so fits in with an everyday echo protocol.

Mitral Valve NavigatorA.I. (MVNA.I.) takes a Live 3D volume of the mitral valve and turns it into an easy-to-interpret model in eight guided steps, providing access to a comprehensive list of MV measurements and calculations. Compared to previously available tools, MVNA.I. models and measures with 87 per cent fewer clicks, saving steps at each part of the process.

MVNA.I. guides the entire process using simple commands and clear graphics, making this a very easy tool to use. This helps a surgeon to look into the valve before a procedure and to decide whether to go for repair or replacement.

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