‘’Our ambition is to become the leader in advanced medical imaging visualisation and analysis solutions’’

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How has India’s imaging market shaped up over the years?

Guillaume Roussel

The Indian healthcare industry has been dramatically shaping up over the last few years. The revenues have been shooting up and as far as diagnostic medical imaging is concerned, there is an annual growth of 12 per cent. On one hand, particularly in tier I and tier II cities, growing hospital infrastructures and healthcare spending are fostering the need for high end devices to facilitate accurate diagnoses and fast treatment. On the other hand, private healthcare providers are starting to expand their institutions from larger cities to rural areas by building new facilities and equipping them with more medical imaging devices, which will generate even more market opportunities.

How has Intrasense’s presence in the Indian market played a role in its evolution?

Intrasense has been involved in the Indian market’s activities for more than four years. Thanks to our strong collaboration with Modimedicare’s team, we have implemented Myrian installations in several major tier I and tier II cities (Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad, Lucknow). Our existing references include leading organisations which include public hospitals, medical colleges and private institutions and clinics. Today, India represents our biggest installed base and market opportunities for South Asia Pacific area. This is also the reason why a dedicated Intrasense team has been created now, based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), in order to follow the local partners and timely address their technical, clinical and commercial needs.

What is the objective of this visit to India?

We have been working closely for the last four years with a very valuable partner company: Modimedicare. Thanks to this collaboration and their clinical and technical expertise, we managed to provide Myrian users in various installations all over India with very high levels of customer support. Now, Indian market is significantly growing and, with this visit to India, we will improve our plan of action in order to ensure more and higher quality support and service. We have great ambition in that market and we are looking forward to reinforcing our position further soon.

Are there any expansion plans for India? If yes, please elaborate.

The overall response from the Indian market towards Myrian remains very good. At the beginning, this response was more oriented on very specific needs, for example in terms of post-processing diagnosis mainly dedicated to liver surgery (transplant programs, digestive surgery). Now, it seems that the market demand will also shape up in the future months and year, with new policies to combat chronic diseases (respiratory diseases, diabetes) and in the field on oncology. Three major characteristics will make Myrian the perfect solution to address all the above needs

  • Universal post-treatment workstation: Myrian is a multimodality platform which can be easily integrated to the hospital IT ecosystem
  • Oriented on clinical performance: Myrian provides the end-user with structured reading, intelligent visualisation, quantitative analysis, as well as reporting and communication capacities
  • Medical imaging solution perfectly integrated to the chain of care: Myrian offers to the end-user functionalities that can fit the needs in terms of education, clinical trials, screening, diagnosis and follow-ups

What are the unique challenges and opportunities in this space vis-a-vis the global markets?

Thanks to its strong drivers for growth: increase in healthcare spending, changes in demography and lifestyle, and significant increase of medical tourism, we strongly consider India as a high potential market. Indeed, the opportunity perspectives are becoming wider with PACS companies who need advanced visualisation and post-treatment software to replace or upgrade their existing system, CT and MRI modality vendors who want to complement their own workstation with high-end expert modules (eg: Brain and Cardiac analysis) or finally refurbishing companies who are looking for a competitive offer to match their requirements.

How does Intrasense plan to tap into these opportunities?

Our ambition is to become the leader in advanced medical imaging visualisation and analysis solution as far as the Indian market is concerned. Keeping our focus, adapting our solution and services thanks to flexibility and agility, adding value to our partners’ business and supporting them, and finally fostering operational and customer service excellence will make Intrasense and Myrian match the needs and requirement of this challenging market.


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