Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital performs two rare eye surgeries successfully

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AdityaJyot Eye Hospital has recently performed two extremely rare and complicated case of retina detachment and helped retain the vision of two young gentlemen.

Prof Dr S Natarajan, Chairman & MD, Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital said, “I am extremely happy, proud and contented that our centre could offer this wonderful gift of sight to two young people as their earnings and life would have been extremely affected without their vision. Retinal detachment is a very serious eye condition that happens when the retina separates from the underlying tissue. Since the retina can’t work properly under these conditions, you could permanently lose vision if the detached retina isn’t repaired promptly. Retinal detachment can be spontaneous or post traumatic; but simultaneously bilateral retinal detachment and that too Giant Retinal Tear is rare. Around three in a ten lakh of patients can get this kind of problem.”

Sultan Shaikh, a 40 year old transport truck driver from Vasai, Mumbai was one of the patients on whom the surgery was done after two leading hospitals had advised primary evisceration.

Dr Natarajan said, “He was diagnosed with globe rupture in the right eye. CT scan showed distorted right globe. B Scan showed dense vitreous hemorrhage with lens dislocation in the right eye. He underwent primary scleral tear repair with intravitreal antibiotics on June 6, 2014 and globe was salvaged. Now, after a month the second surgery was done to repair the internal structures. Finally he got his vision back”.

Shaikh said, “This is a very precious gift to me in my life as when all doctors had rejected my case and there was no hope of getting my vision back, this doctor has been able to give me my vision. He is now more than a GOD to me.”

In the second patient, Mukesh Ranjan, it was a case of sudden blindness. The 35-year old worked as a Branch Manager in UCO Bank. Since 2004 he was using spectacles for shortsightedness. On 4 July, 2014 he suddenly lost his vision while talking to his colleague. He was immediately rushed to nearby hospital and was referred to PGI Chandigarh where he was diagnosed with bilateral symmetrical retinal detachment. Two major hospitals in the North told him that there will be guarded visual improvement and possibility of retinal detachment in future. His sister who resides in Mumbai told him about Aditya Jyot Eye Hospital and he immediately rushed to Mumbai.

Dr Natarajan said, “Mukesh Ranjan is an extremely rare case. He was diagnosed with bilateral symmetrical giant retinal tear with total retinal detachment in both eyes.. He came here for evaluation. After counseling we operated him. He underwent 23 Gauge Vitrectomy + Encirclage Band+ primary Sandwich Technique with Densiron (heavy oil) and Silicon Oil (1000CS; lighter oil) in the right eye. On the first post operative day, his unaided vision was 6/18 and near vision with +2.75Ds was N12. He is confident of walking, reading and working on the computer. This is a miracle. Usually following total retinal detachment with giant retinal tear the improvement in vision takes time, needs glasses after six weeks from surgery. He did not need distant vision glasses, only near vision wear glasses temporarily.”

Ranjan said, “I came to the hospital, assisted by two attendants and was unable to see anything and do things of my own. Now, after undergoing the surgery in the right eye I am extremely happy that I am able to walk around and do things of my own without any assistance.”

EH News Bureau

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